Boat ride!

フェリーでお出かけ A ferry ride!

more shibas

柴犬たち The Shibas


アヤちゃんも行ったよ。 Aja went, too.


おつかれ Tired dogs…


満足そうに帰路につく。 On their way home, contented.


Today, the guardians of Shiba Forest went on an outing to Newcastle Island, off the coast of Nanaimo.  We were invited by the Victoria Shiba Inu Group for this walk, with 12 Shibas and 15 humans.  Many of the dogs that were there happened to be Neo’s nephews and nieces; Neo’s dad is a great, famous dog!  For next time, we promised to host a Shiba picnic at our neighbour’s place, later in the summer.  Will there be a bunch of Shibas in Shiba Forest, perhaps?