
We headed out to the Forest for our usual walk.


There are no pictures today… Because, we were caught by a sudden, unbelievably real thunderstorm!


We hurried to that big tree, and hid under it for a little while. It was surprisingly dry under the canopy. But, the lightning and thunder were showing no signs of stopping, so we ventured out into the storm towards home. We were about 2 km away.


Luckily, our Shibas are not scared of the thunder. They don’t mind the pouring rain, either.


Just in the few minutes of the downpour, the trails turn into creeks. The raindrops covering my glasses stop me from seeing what’s in front of me. I walk straight into a deep puddle, and sink up to my ankles. With that, there is no more caring about getting wet or dirty. I am invincible.


Absolutely drenched from head to toe. The Shibas are covered in mud.


Oh so fun. We are so alive!


Memorable walk in a storm, filled with laughter.


On a different topic…


After returning to the farm, to finish up the day’s work – washing and packing the veggies harvested in the morning, I came home hungry. So…


Garden-fresh green onion and home-made ‘natto’ on top of steaming rice. On the side, miso soup packed with shungiku, and a drop of duck egg. In the end, there is no feast that can beat this.


That is all.